Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed during an attempted robbery at his Bandra home. This incident has left both fans and the Bollywood community in shock. Following the incident, a video surfaced online showing Kareena Kapoor Khan looking visibly tense and worried. She was seen speaking with household staff about the alarming event.
Kareena Kapoor Khan looks tense after Saif Ali Khan’s attack
On Wednesday night, shocking news emerged that Saif was attacked multiple times during a robbery attempt at their residence. This distressing incident has left many, including the couple’s fans and the wider Bollywood community, in disbelief. Shortly after the attack, a video of Kareena began circulating, capturing her concerned demeanour as she engaged with her staff to gather information about the frightening situation.
In the video, Kareena is seen dressed casually in a pink T-shirt, white wide-legged trousers, and slippers. She listens intently to the staff members, who appear to be providing details about the incident. Her facial expressions reflect deep concern as she moves around the premises, adding to the tension surrounding the occurrence.
What happened?
Saif sustained multiple stab wounds during the struggle with the intruder and was promptly rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery and is currently under close medical care. The news of his injuries has profoundly affected both the Bollywood industry and his fans.
The Mumbai Police confirmed that Kareena, along with their two children, Taimur and Jeh, were present in the house at the time of the attack, which occurred around 4 am on Thursday. Although Kareena had previously shared a joyful image from a girls’ night out with her family and friends, police reports confirmed that she was at home during this violent incident.
Official statement by Khan family
Kareena’s team has since released a statement to calm the public. They assured fans that the actress and her two children are doing fine. The statement said, “There was an attempted burglary in Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence last night. Saif had an injury on his arm for which he is in the hospital, undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is doing fine.”
This incident has left everyone concerned for Saif Ali Khan’s health and safety, as well as for the well-being of the family. The police are continuing to investigate the attempted robbery and have promised to provide updates. Fans and well-wishers are hoping for Saif’s speedy recovery and hoping that the family can soon return to their normal lives after such a traumatic experience.